I started looking for a dog online in 2017. There were hundreds of precious dogs waiting for adoption.
I needed a special dog, not too rowdy, but able to hike the mountains with me. My husband is handi-capped so I was also looking for not too small to trip over, and not to big to knock him down. I felt a little like Goldilocks.
My search lasted weeks. But, there was one picture I kept going back to It was a fluffy black and white Aussie mix with two different colored eyes and the worse looking tennis shoe I had ever seen in his mouth! It seemed the photographer had captured his very soul. (Joyce is a super photographer!)
I called and asked if we could drive down the 100 plus miles to see him. I have been serious about this dog. Joyce’s home was a great place for horses and dogs. There were several dogs and they were all healthy, happy, and friendly.
Joyce invited us to sit in her living room to “interview” Panda, as he was renamed. Jack, my husband, took a chair and I sat on the floor. Joyce opened her back door and a flood of dogs came running down the hall. I was covered in dog kisses and laughing through all the commotion, when OUR DOG, as I immediately realized, wandered in behind the pack. Panda! He was beautiful, he quietly approached, very gently, and with composure put his head in Jack’s lap. He was the right size, the right mix, and he picked Jack. We were thrilled. I knew my prayers were answered.
This was just the beginning of our lives after adopting the perfect dog! Panda is a very special dog. He has pulled me out of snow drifts, creeks and helped me get up hills! Although he was never “trained” he is polite, very intuitive, walks on leash, plays with other dogs and loves people. He is so well behaved that I can literally take him anywhere on or off leash. He is never aggressive, but is still crazy about shoes!
When he’s not looking for adventures with me Panda lays beside Jack’s chair where he gets gentle ear scratches and soft strokes on his head. He will stay there for hours just enjoying the down time and affection. Jack brags on him to our friends about nice he is and never barks. He does growl at me which means, “It’s time for a walk!” He can’t talk but he tries!
I cannot thank Joyce enough for her kindness, professionalism and help to find Panda and approve us as his new owners. We had to have safe places for him inside and outside, proper food, a vet, and promise to help him meet new dog friends, and give him lots of exercise and mainly LOVE. We haven’t failed each other in the LOVE department from either side. Panda is dedicated to both Jack and me. We are privileged have him.
I have stayed in touch with Joyce for over three years. She is a very special dog whisperer and photographer, writer, horse woman, and a great person!